Bracelets with SWE

Friday 9/22| 11am - 12pm| HUB 334

Open to Public

Are you interested in being part of a close-knit community that offers mentorship, academic support, and career development? If yes, attend Society of Women Engineer’s bracelet making event! Join us to chat with fellow UW students while making bracelets and a chance to win a raffle prize! We’ll answer any questions you have about SWE or engineering in general.

RSVP here!


Donuts & Duct Tap with SWE

Wednesday 9/27| 3pm - 4pm| HUB 334 (NOT HUB 250!!)

Open to Public

Are you interested in being part of a close-knit community that offers mentorship, academic support, and career development? If yes, attend Society of Women Engineer’s Donuts and Duct Tape event! Join us as we hold a table building competition with just duct tape and paper (winners get a prize!). We’ll answer any questions you have about SWE or engineering in general while eating free donuts.

RSVP here!